1. Art


  1. A. i. Graphic Illustrator


I was always the student that was drawing their notes and academic understanding. Once i added the Drawing Change Workshop to my life, I feel like i have been set free to draw all the things. Along with my note-taking i have added illustrations about Coast Salish War Canoe Life, stories, and Indigenous languages.

1. A. ii. Graphic Illustrator & Author

I self-published a Dakelh creation story. Follow Link, print PDF, and share.

  1. B. Photography & Academic Quotes

Ever since i finished my Masters degree i continue to read academia. Much of my notes or remembering are done with typing up quotes i love (using APA format) and putting them on my photographs. The process helps me contextualize ideas within the current educational/social systems. Below are a few examples:

  1. C. T-Shirts & Art Posters

I am a huge advocate for Indigenous Languages and Futurity and love to create art for

T-Shirts or Posters

  1. D. Salish Weaving

New for November 2022: My 1st time being part of an Art Gallery Show!

Native American Art Exhibition: A Weaver’s Voice - Coast Salish Wool Weavings Curated by Selena Kearney

November 7 – December 9, 2022

Native Art Campus of The Evergreen State College